Online accounting

As part of the internet accounting service, you will get accounting software for rent, with which you can easily issue invoices, manage the cash register, look at standard reports, or prepare reports.

Why online
accounting ?

Advantages of accounting online

Whatever you enter into this system is immediately displayed to our accountants, who can then further process the data.
Alternatively, it is possible for the client to log in to our server, where your data is stored.

Internet accounting is very advantageous, because you can process part of the documents yourself and thus draw only professional services.
Thus, the price for accounting processing is significantly reduced.

Sharing documents

Thanks to shared documents, you don't have to solve everything through accountants. You have round-the-clock access to your accounting.
In addition, more people can work with the data at the same time and they are always up-to-date for everyone logged into the system.

This service is intended for companies that want to deal with accounting as a supplier.

Contact us

Help us speed up the process of filling out your business information online. We will design an offer directly for you and contact you